The science of Physiognomy


THE SYSTEM OF PHYSIOGNOMY described in this book was evolved and developed by Mary Olmsted Stanton who presented it to the world over fifty years ago. She discovered and located the facial signs of the internal organs of the body so that it is possible to discern in the face the state of health and the degree of strength or weakness of the constitution. She also discovered and proved that these internal organs form the physical bases from which, through the sensory nerves, the mental faculties are supported, and that there is a connection or correlation between physical function and mental faculty.

She also defined and located in the face fifty main or principal faculties which together constitute the complete mental equipment of each individual. Stanton’s system is the only one in existence which is at once scientific, demonstrable and reliable.
The popular idea of Physiognomy rests mainly on observation of the features of the face alone, and the character delineations consist mostly of the barest generalizations without any methodical or scientific basis, so that it is not surprising that the subject as generally presented has met with but slight credence or acceptance amongst the intelligent public.
