Ayurvedic Remedies


Ajurvedic remedies for the Whole Family is a resource book of universal valuc for anyone on the journey to self-healing. Light Miller presents enlightened approaches for each stage in the span of human life: pregnancy, birth, childhood, teen years, young adulthood, and the maturing years. All have their challenges and natural solutions. Light details a variety of common sense, natural, and alternative therapies casily, available to everyone.

A special section details seventy-five common illnesses with a complete list of specific diets, herbs, vitamins, minerals, homeo-pahtics, and essential oils as well as therapies for each condition’s healing.

Additionally, Light brings to the reader the timeless body-mind techniques of meditation, forgiveness, and discovery of one’s purpose as the bedrock of all healing.

DR. LIGHT MILLER travels throughout the world teaching aromatherapy, Ayurveda, herbology, and tantra as well as various related workshops.
