As a pisces you are easily moved by other people’s unhappiness and are very sympathetic towards their problems. You have a very emotional nature that dominates your feelings when other people confide their hard luck story to you. Pisces likes perfection and this sign has to do with completions (being the last sign of the zodiac) so whenever one of your friends have a problem you get a strong urge to help and provide the missing link for them to feel more complete. You mean well, but it is not always an easy task to fix others problems and it can make you feel at a loss when you can’t fix it for them. You tend to take other people’s problem on and need to guard yourself against too much negativity so you escape into a place where there is peace and quiet to recover. You have a strong imagination that can be expressed through your artistic ability and that needs to be taken serious because it can help you to be at peace within yourself.